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Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt

Bachelorette Scavenger Hunt

There comes a time in many of our lives when we find that one special person with which we wish to spend the rest of our lives. We fall so hard in love that we can’t help but think of them all day, we put all our time and effort into winning their favor, and one day we find ourselves wearing an engagement ring and awaiting the date that’s been agreed upon by both parties. That’s right: we’re discussing marriage here. A beautiful recognition that two individuals have decided to come together in a permanent and loving relationship, one that is intended to continue for the rest of their lives. But before that can happen there is often one last celebration. A party to end the single lives of the soon to be married: bachelor and bachelorette parties. And if you are in the position of planning one of these send offs, then you may just find yourself in hosting a bachelorette scavenger hunt.




Bachelorette parties are a tradition in which we all take a night to say goodbye to the single life. They often take place very soon before the wedding and they serve as a symbolic last hurrah. When done correctly a bachelorette party will allow a woman to put to rest her more wild days and prepare herself for a committed relationship with another human being. And if you want to focus especially hard on the memories then you will have an easier time when coming up with scavenger hunt ideas.




Using Their Past to Plan the Hunt


When planning a bachelorette scavenger hunt you will need to spend some time considering the life of the person for whom you are planning the party. Scavenger hunt ideas can be difficult to come up with sometimes, but by using the bachelorette’s past you can make things easier. Try creating scavenger hunt clues based on their best memories from their single life and past relationships.




Obviously, this is much easier if you’ve known them for quite some time, but it isn’t utterly impossible if you haven’t known them long enough to have been present for the memories you’re referencing. If that is indeed the case then you’re going to rely on the knowledge of those who were. So take the time to talk to all of the bachelorette’s friends and ask them about their fondest, craziest, most heartwarming memories in relation to the bachelorette.




And if this isn’t an option then try to talk to the bachelorette herself. Don’t be too direct, lest she figure out just what it is you’re up to. But just try telling an anecdote or two and getting her to tell you one in return. If anyone knows which memories and events are worth paying tribute to then it would most certainly be her. Just don’t allow her to catch onto the fact that you’re going to use the information to help plan her bachelorette party.




Once you know some of their old stories try and think about how they could be put to use. Did one of them take place nearby? Visit that place as part of the scavenger hunt. A scavenger hunt doesn’t need to revolve around physical objects, after all. A tour of all the bachelorette’s old haunts could be quite sufficient, depending on how many there were. Sometimes places are more important than things.




Was there an object that took on special significance during a particularly wild night? Try to incorporate it. Use it – or something that represents it – as one of the things that you hide. Be careful when hiding something that the bacherlorette holds dearly. You don’t want to lose or damage their prized possessions.




Use the Scavenger Hunt to Lead into the Main Event


It is expected that there will be more to the bachelorette party than the scavenger hunt itself. It is – after all – the last hurrah of a soon to be married woman. It would be a shame to spend the entire evening hunting things down and doing nothing more. So instead of choosing between a scavenger hunt and a rowdy send off, why not do both?




The scavenger hunt can be started early on in the day, either in the morning or in the early afternoon. Keep it light and playful and if you plan to drink at the party don’t start doing so yet. Plan the scavenger hunt out so that you will go from place to place, object to object, until you eventually come to an end at the actual party location. This way you don’t have to make a compromise and you can have both activities rolling into one another smoothly.




Then, once at the party, any alcohol or shenanigans can take place without fear that it’ll compromise the scavenger hunt because it will have already come to a close. Keeping these two activities separate also gives you something to do during the daytime hours in which drinking and partying is less socially acceptable. Starting so early would be bad for your health, but there is a certain level of anxiety that comes with waiting all day for a party. So the scavenger hunt will serve as a great form of distraction and entertainment. To do them in the other order would inevitably lead to an inebriated scavenger hunt, which should definitely be avoided for safety and pride’s sake.




There isn’t much more to it than that. The further specifics will differ from group to group. Things should be tweaked to fit the bachelorette in question. It is all for her and that needs to be remembered by everyone involved. So don’t think “What do I want done here?” Ask yourself instead “What would she want done here?” The answer to that question will lead to a fantastic party that no one will soon forget. You might not be able to know everything about her, but you can certainly learn enough to give her one final wild evening.


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